Recording Magazine (April/2012) Reviews IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155 Speaker Stands

Recording Magazine reviews the IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155 speaker stands in the April 2012 issue.  In this review Mike Metlay writes „I had several sets of speakers suitably sized for these stands, including the ADAM Audio A5 and the Cerwin-Vega!XD3 (reviewed elsewhere in this issue), and found the difference in audio with vs. without the ISO•L8R stands to be considerable.”

He also writes „I heard more and better bass: improved extension, a tighter and more focused sound—in effect, a very inexpensive and effective upgrade!”

And concludes with: „If you’re working with small speakers in a less-than-ideal monitoring arrangement, check out what IsoAcoustics has to offer; the ISO•L8R stands can’t turn horrible speakers good, but they can give any speaker a fighting chance to deliver the audio it was designed to deliver.”

Recording Magazine PDF: IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155 Review


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