Pro Audio Review May/2012 IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155

Strother Bullins review of the ISO-L8R155 describes:

Sonically, the (KRK)R6s seemed to perform truer to the source material while atop the ISOL8Rs.

He went on to say: I can’t overstate how monitoring with a product such as the ISO-L8R can change end results of productions; built step by step, the final mix with such increased insight becomes something clearly different than without it. For example, I found myself “guessing” less regarding bass content of individual tracks, so that, after track compression and EQ, mixes became something a lot closer to the “ideal” ones I hear in my head.

IsoAcoustics is likely the most precise, sturdy and affordable solution in studio monitor platforms today.

Pro Audio Review (May/2012): IsoAcoustics Review

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