IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155s deliver on their technical promise (Matt Redmon)

Matt Redmon, Mackie Recording Product Manager writes:

„The ISO-L8R155s deliver on their technical promise.  They are versatile, affordable and, most of all, they’ll improve your ability to mix in any room.  With adjustable height and rake – features not found on competing products – you can direct your monitor orientation right at the mix position, which is valuable whether or not you own a pro studio workstation.  Furthermore, the benefits of decoupling your monitors from your work surface are substantial.  Accurately mixing LF is one of the biggest challenges in audio engineering.  We all want our mixes to readily translate in every environment, and the only way to do that is to know what you’re mixing in your studio – the room or the record.  ISO-L8R155s take the guesswork out of mixing, look and feel professional, and will even disassemble and travel with you from studio to studio.” 


Matt Redmon,

Mackie Recording Product Manager

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