IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155 stands and Neumann KH120

We received this letter from Ed Marshall, an independant recording engineer and producer:

June 12, 2012

lsoAcoustics Inc., 4981 HWY 7 East, Unit 12A, Suite 160, Markham ON. L3R 1N1

Dear Dave,

Thank you so much for letting me try out your lsoAcoustics stands.The difference in clarity, depth perspective, bass delineation and stereo image is truly amazing.

I first tried them with my Neumann KH120 speakers that I use for location recording for Classical music.  As you can understand, a good quality playback is critical when working with professional classical musicians who are very specific in what they want to hear and have very finely tuned ears. There is always questions such as why does it sound different on the headphones, or more often than not they listen to the speakers and know that something is not quite right but don’t know exactly what it is. The immediate improvement in clarity and perspective with the lsoAcoustic stands was like opening a window.  Suddenly, no more confused faces.  Everything sounded right as it should.

I then tried them in my studio at home. I am using a pair of ADAMS2-As with a GenelecSub-Woofer.  I didn’t even need to A/B them. The difference was astounding.  I have spent the last several hours listening to projects from the last year or so and it is like listening to new masters.  For example, the recordings of the Kitchener Waterloo Symphony in the acoustically brilliant Centre-in-the-Square are now so detailed and the sense of the hall’s acoustic comes throught Incredibly well. You can hear the depth of the reverb tails and the bass is so well defined. The Image is so accurate that you can practically count the number of desks of violins.

I am now a solid convert to your product. I can’t see leaving home without lsoAcoustics stands ever in the future.

With many thanks,

Ed Marshall  (lndependent Recording Engineer/Producer)


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