„I Highly Recommend The zaZen Platforms” – Positive Feedback

„Positive Feedback is a Creative Forum for the Audio Arts. As such, its mission as an active artistic community is to explore the possibilities of fine audio and the delights thereof, while simultaneously educating and entertaining our global readership. Our charter is very broad: We are free to explore any application or development of audio in any setting, as well as audio’s past, present, and future. There are no barriers to our vision or our mission.”

In a recent article, Positive Feedback’s Larry Cox took an in depth look at IsoAcoustic’s zaZen series. Here’s what he had to say:

“Numerous times over the course of two months I inserted and removed the zaZen II underneath my turntable. Changes were most evident at the instant it was swapped in or out.”

“For those seeking the sustain of an acoustic instrument or voice I highly recommend the zaZen platforms.”

“Isoacoustics’ zaZen’s charms were obvious if how they manifested was less obvious. What emerged over time is that there was an increase in the density of tone, a fuller, more specific timbre to instruments.”

Click here to read the full article.


The zaZen (sitting meditation) is a stable isolation platform designed for turntables, tube amps and other sensitive audio equipment. The combination of the platform mass and the integrated IsoAcoustics isolation technology allows audio gear to reveal greater acoustic clarity and detail.

The zaZen isolation platforms are the latest addition to the award winning family of isolation products from IsoAcoustics. The zaZen provides a stable isolation platform with a low noise floor, designed for turntables and audio components.

Click here to learn more about the zaZen.

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