GAIA Review by Positive Feedback – Superb Performance and Big Time Value

Robert Youman from Positive Feedback had great things to say about the GAIA I after trying them with his Sonus Faber Stradivari speakers

„There was a clarity and lack of distortion at every frequency that did not seem possible before. The sound stage was further extended in all directions, and images were almost spooky in terms of dimensionality and detail. Bass was so much more layered and define”

„…the Strads are known for their rich and almost chocolate like presentation. The GAIAs were able to strip away a layer of excessive warmth and still leave the proper harmonics and musicality that I so love from these speakers…The true character of the speaker remained, but now the presentation was so much more unconstrained and revealing and so much more fun!”

„…the IsoAcoustics GAIA I speaker isolators are something very special. There is real science and logic behind the design. The results were immediate and quite easy to identify. There was no break in. There was no micro or macro speaker positioning required. Installation and setup took less than 15 minutes for both speakers. At a cost of less than a moderately priced power cord, the results in my system were hard to ignore.”

Robert was not the only one that found that was pleasantly surprised by the GAIA’s

„Beyond my own impressions, my wife was there every step of the way including a direct with and without comparison. She was essentially gobsmacked. Friends who know my system well, and were not forewarned, were immediately taken back by the change in sound quality as soon as they heard the needle drop or the DAC kick in. I quietly giggled to myself every time I saw someone in my listening chair react with a quick lean forward, or when their eyes lit up in surprise. This overt reaction became fairly common and quite the norm.”

Robert played the Doors, Miles Davis Quartet Relaxin, Beethoven Violin Sonata in G Major, Op. 96, Abel & Steinberg and noticed a sound quality improvement in each of them concluding that:

„The IsoAcoustic GAIA I speaker isolators are an easy recommendation. Superb fit and finish. Simple to assemble and install. Excellent customer support. High value. Jaw dropping potential and performance. If I was on the lookout for a new pair of speakers or other types of upgrades, I would first check out these little jewels of engineering dynamite! Even if I was generally happy with my system as is, it would be well worth the effort to reach out and evaluate what still might be possible.”

Thank you Robbert Youman from Positive Feedback for reviewing GAIAs!

Click here to read the full review


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