Ed Marshall is a Juno Award winner and was a „very” respected audio engineer at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation before moving on to work as an indepenent engineer/producer. I was very pleased to receive a letter this week from Ed, describing his experiences with the IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R155 stands for studio monitors.
„The difference in clarity, depth perspective, bass delineation, and stereo imaging is truly amazing”, Ed writes after taking the speaker stands on location to record classical music. When listening to past projects, „like listening to new masters”. „You could hear the depth of the reverb tails and the bass was so well defined. The image is so accurate you could practically count the number of desks of violins”.
„I am a solid convert of your product. I can’t see leaving home without IsoAcoustics stands ever in the future.”
Ed Marshall Letter June 12 2012