Originally created as a hobby project in 2000 by Kevin Lewandowski, Discogs has grown to become a definitive resource for Vinyl and CD recordings. In a recent article by Jeffrey Lee Puckett, the author discussed the ideal way to achieve isolation for your turntable. IsoAcoustics is proud to be regarded as his most exciting solution.
„I was pleasantly shocked. Maybe $199 sounds like a lot of money, but after struggling for years with skips and occasional feedback, it [zaZen] feels like a screaming bargain and I’m buying the review sample.”
„The Iso-Pucks improved this to a degree that the sound went from really good to holy sh*t.”
The zaZen (sitting meditation) is a stable isolation platform designed for turntables, tube amps and other sensitive audio equipment. The combination of the platform mass and the integrated IsoAcoustics isolation technology allows audio gear to reveal greater acoustic clarity and detail.
The zaZen isolation platforms are the latest addition to the award winning family of isolation products from IsoAcoustics. The zaZen provides a stable isolation platform with a low noise floor, designed for turntables and audio components.
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