Marten is pleased with Marten isolators by IsoAcoustics „we believe we have achieved something special”

„The reduction of resonance has always been important in the design of our cabinets – the right isolation can mean the difference between a good speaker and a great speaker.

Our cabinets are carefully designed to minimize distortion, but ultimately each unit must stand on the floor, which creates its own resonance factors. This in itself can muddy the soundstage. The best way to deal with this is to isolate the cabinet.

We worked with IsoAcoustics to design and custom make Marten isolators. With this precision product, the speaker feels completely isolated from the floor, reducing resonance and distortion – leaving the soundstage free. It also makes for richer, more controlled and dynamic bass. With a construction similar to their Gaia series, we believe we have achieved something special. We always work with quality. And these guys have the know-how and awards to prove it.

Employed by the Mingus and Parker series, the isolators are the best we have worked with so far and we plan to roll these out for all future models. Marten isolators will also be available as upgrades for existing Marten clients.”



Click here for the news article from Marten…

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